Understanding Electro-Hypersensitivity (EHS): A Call for Compassion and Empathy

Understanding Electro-hypersensitivity, A call for compassion and empathy

Electro-hypersensitivity (EHS) is a condition that affects a significant number of individuals, causing a range of physical and mental issues. In a world where radiation is omnipresent, particularly in densely populated areas where people carry transmitters such as cell phones, those with EHS often find themselves socially isolated. Unfortunately, this condition is often not taken seriously, leading to further challenges for those affected.

EHS is often referred to as the “invisible illness” because its effects are not immediately apparent. Unlike visible disabilities, EHS is not easily recognized, making it challenging for those affected to receive the understanding and support they need. This lack of awareness can lead to feelings of frustration, isolation, and a sense of not being taken seriously.

Imagine being in a crowded space, surrounded by people using their cell phones and Wi-Fi devices, while you experience physical discomfort and mental distress. This is the reality for individuals with EHS. Just as we respect the needs of those with allergies or sensitivities to certain substances, we must extend the same level of compassion and empathy to those with EHS.

It is crucial that we create an environment where individuals with EHS can feel comfortable and be taken seriously. Here are some practical tips to help accommodate their needs:

  1. Distancing in Communication: When making a call, consider stepping away from others to minimize the impact of radiation. By maintaining a safe distance, you can reduce the discomfort experienced by individuals with EHS.
  2. Switching Off Phones in Public Spaces: In crowded public areas, such as cafes or libraries, be mindful of the impact of multiple devices emitting radiation. Switching off your phone or putting it on airplane mode can make a significant difference for those with EHS.
  3. Respecting Requests: If someone with EHS asks you to turn off a transmitter, such as Wi-Fi or Bluetooth, please respect their request. It may seem like a small inconvenience to you, but it can greatly alleviate the symptoms experienced by those with EHS.
  4. Creating EHS-Friendly Spaces: Consider designating specific areas or zones in public spaces where Wi-Fi and other transmitters are turned off or kept at a minimum. This can provide a safe haven for individuals with EHS to engage in social activities without the constant exposure to radiation.
  5. Spreading Awareness: Educate yourself and others about EHS. By understanding the condition and its impact, we can foster a more compassionate and inclusive society.

While we are familiar with the dangers of passive smoking, EHS can be seen as a similar issue, albeit with different characteristics. Just as we have learned to respect the needs of non-smokers by designating smoke-free areas, we should extend the same courtesy to individuals with EHS.

Although we lack the senses to detect radiation like we do with smoke, it is important to recognize that it is ever-present in our modern world. By acknowledging the reality of EHS and taking steps to minimize exposure, we can create a more inclusive and understanding society.

Electro-hypersensitivity (EHS) is a condition that affects many individuals, causing physical and mental distress. It is crucial that we take this condition seriously and provide the necessary support and understanding to those affected. By implementing practical tips, such as distancing during communication and respecting requests to switch off transmitters, we can create a more inclusive environment. Just as we have learned to accommodate the needs of those with allergies or sensitivities, let us extend the same level of compassion and empathy to individuals with EHS.

Together, we can raise awareness, foster understanding, and create a world where those with EHS are heard, valued, and included.

Learn more about EHS:

Some interesting Video’s:
Some interesting articles:

“Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity: A Critical Review of Explanatory Hypotheses”:

“Electro-hypersensitivity as a Worldwide, Man-made Electromagnetic Pathology”:

World Health Organization (WHO) – Radiation and Health:

Devra Lee Davis, Ph.D., MPH:

      • Dr. Davis is an American epidemiologist, toxicologist, and author. She has extensively researched environmental hazards and their impact on human health.

        • Dr. Davis has contributed to research on EHS, exploring hypotheses related to electromagnetic exposure, cognitive factors, and coping strategies.
      • Environmental Health Trust:

        • Dr. Davis founded the Environmental Health Trust, a non-profit organization advocating for awareness of health risks posed by mobile devices, WiFi, 5G, and other radio-frequency systems. 
        • Learn more from the Environmental Health Trust.

Dr. Erica Mallery-Blythe:

Ulrich Weiner

  • Ulrich Weiner is a former communications expert and electrohypersensitive (EHS) individual. He gained prominence as an advocate against digitalization in schools and has raised awareness about potential health risks associated with electromagnetic radiation
    Read the story of his life