Our Story

Why Building Biology?

In the second half of the last century the world of construction has changed substantially.

The industrial revolution has introduced many new building methods and materials. Many synthetic chemicals found their way into our living environment. Electricity became available for almost everyone. Today we experience a boundless growth of wireless devices. The primary motivation of these developments is economic growth.

This unrestrained economic growth has led to depletion of resources, global warming, and pollution of land, water, air and ether. But also to social and cultural impoverishment. The gap between poor and rich has never been this poignant. Today the care for our earth is becoming of great importance. The need for sustainable building is becoming a necessity.

Environmental health?

Environmental health is of increasing importance for our health and well being. Our living environment, especially the indoor climate of our dwellings, are a mayor source of environmental illnesses. The role of a building biologist is to inform building designers to create a healthy indoor climate in their new designs. And to investigate existing houses, often in collaboration with environmental doctors, for chemical and biological pollutants and man-made radiation.

Building biology places the individual in the centre of its living environment. Human health and well being are of great importance. Sustainability is of a vital importance.

Building biology in India

India is growing fast, the population as well as the economy. Cities are dealing with a very high and increasing population density. Many new buildings are being constructed. Unfortunately in the haste to build a new modern India, construction practises are forgetting the quality of life for those living in these new buildings. There is an urgent need for building biology and sustainability to improve the quality of life now and in the future. This makes India a country with many challenges.

Building biology as it is introduced by the IBN is originally meant for the middle European climate and culture. India is a large country with various climatological zones and cultural differences. The science of Building biology needs to be expanded to cover specific Indian issues. This requires research and development. This is one of the challenges we are facing.

Rene Janssen
Rene Janssen is an electrical engineer and Building Biology consultant from the Netherlands for more than 20 years. Sensing the growing effects of EMP (Electromagnetic Pollution) on human beings, he decided to augment his knowledge by studying Building Biology at the Institute for Baubiologie (IBN), Germany in 2010. Since 2004 he is living in Auroville and involved in various construction projects which promote sustainable building solutions and social well being. In 2014 he founded the Centre for Building Biology in Auroville, with the aim to bring this needed science to a wider audience in India.
Selvam is an Engineer based near Pondicherry, since 2014. He studied Engineering at Anna University (MIT Campus) Chennai. He is an MEP consultant and executing the projects all over India. Being aware of the effects of electromagnetic pollution, he has been specializing in the design of electrical installations according building biology standards. He is also pursuing his passion of becoming Building Biologist by working with the "Centre for Building Biology" Auroville, India.
Giordano Giannotti is an electronical engineer who worked for a couple of years as radio frequency engineer, designing mobile radio base stations, for vodafone. Always caring to protect nature, decided to quit the job to go for a postgraduate specialisation degree on environment sustainability and renewable energies. Since then he worked giving didactical and technical informations, lectures, creating courses and designing small pv systems for self sufficiency. Always interested on self sustainability he has travelled to different intentional communities in the world and settled in Auroville in 2021 where he started to work on an detailed EMF survey of Auroville, in collaboration with Auroville’s “Center for Building Biology” and “Geomatics” of Auroville’s CSR (Center for Scientific Research) to insert the data collected in Auroville’s GIS.